Visita guiada de meio dia aos Jardins de Monet de Giverny a partir de Paris com transporte
- A entrada para Giverny: casa e jardins
- Serviços de um guia turístico
- Transporte de e para Paris em autocarro com ar condicionado
- O serviço de traslado de/para sua residência/local de estadia
Half-day excursion from Paris to visit the house and the gardens of Claude Monet, the well-known Impressionist painter, with a professional guide. Immerse yourself in the world of the painter, famous for his landscape canvases and numerous views of his garden, such as the "Water Lilies," the "Japanese Bridge" and "The Irises." Your visit will also include the beautiful water lily pond, with its play of colors and Monet's legendary Japanese-inspired bridge. Learn about the artist's daily life by visiting his home and his studio.
Giverny's garden
Set off from central Paris for a unique excursion in the footsteps of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Admire the lush green landscapes of the French countryside as you travel by luxury air-conditioned coach to the small Normandy village of Giverny. The trip will take approximately one and a half hours. The painter and gardener Claude Monet lived there for 43 years, with his family of eight children, from 1883 until his death in 1926.
Passionate about gardening and color variations, he designed his flower garden, fruit tree orchard and water garden as if they were works of art. As you visit the gardens at Giverny, you will see the central pathway leading up to the house, bordered by different varieties of nasturtiums and roses, as well as the multicolored flower beds full of tulips, narcissi, daffodils, irises and peonies. Stroll through the Clos Normand Flower Garden, which is home to many plants of Eastern origins, until you reach the lavish water garden, so famous for its water lilies, weeping willows and green-painted Japanese Bridge (bridges like this are traditionally red in Japan). Be captivated by Giverny's unique atmosphere, its light and the reflection of clouds on the water.
Take the opportunity to explore Monet's pink-plastered house, where he lived and worked for many years (guided tours are not permitted due to the lack of space). Discover the blue reading room, which leads into the larder and Claude Monet's studio, where the doyen of the french impressionists worked until 1889. These rooms, as well as those of his private apartments, have been reconstructed with the original furniture that was already in the house in Monet's day. Visit the sunny yellow dining room, which has been reconstructed down to the very last detail. It was very modern for its time, with earthenware dishes and a kitchen tiled with local blue and white Rouen tiles. In the Dining Room, admire one of the most important collections of Japanese prints in the world.
At the end of your visit, take advantage of the village and the pretty gift and book shop; it is housed in what was once the studio where Monet painted the huge Water Lilies canvases. It stretches for more than 3,200 square feet! The shop offers a wide range of products linked to the Impressionist's work: postcards, posters, teas, books, official Claude Monet tableware, flower seeds and plants
- Conheça o universo de Claude Monet, mestre do movimento impressionista, com um guia-intérprete da nossa equipe
- Visita dos exuberantes jardins de Giverny: o Clos Normand e suas mil flores e o Jardim de Água com inspiração japonesa
- Visita livre do Ateliê de Monet e sua casa, onde morou por mais de 40 anos
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Visita guiada de meio dia aos Jardins de Monet de Giverny a partir de Paris com transporte
1 adulto x 89,00 €
Cancellation fees : Consulte os termos e condições gerais de venda
Preparação do tour
Endereço: Encontre nosso representante da ParisCityVision do lado de fora do Café le Champ de Mars
45 avenue de La Bourdonnais 75007 PARIS
Ecole Militaire
45 avenue de La Bourdonnais 75007 PARIS
Ecole Militaire
Organizado por PARISCityVISION
Código do Tour: GI